Thursday, September 19, 2024 
Serving teachers and nurses
of District 196.

The primary function of the Dakota County United Educators is to negotiate salaries, benefits, and working conditions for the teachers and nurses of ISD 196.

DCUE is also involved in establishing and offering quality professional development opportunities for members; a governmental relation program that promotes and supports individuals who are candidates for public office and who support public education; protection of members' rights through a process that is based on the concept of due process; and in community activities that support community organizations and recognize citizens for their role in our schools.

DCUE is deeply committed... the success of every student. Students are at the center of everything we do.

group respect

DCUE believes that all...

...of our students, regardless of their zip code, deserve the tools and time to learn.

group respect

DCUE believes that...

...a good education inspires students' natural curiosity, imagination, and desire to learn.

group respect

DCUE believes that...

...every child should have a caring, qualified, and committed teacher.

group respect

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Information about
Expedition Credit Union